Take a look at 30 intelligent and inspiring quotes from Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Is there a person live in this world, that has not heard of France’s 1st emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte? Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821) was the Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814 and again briefly in 1815. He is hailed as one of the greatest military commanders and rulers in history. This person has transcended his name with ludicrous history of his ruling and his views on life. Perhaps as a way of compensating for his short height, Napoleon always had a fiery tongue and often insisted on getting his own way. He paved his own path to success, rising to power in Paris and taking a position that no one had occupied prior to him. When he came to power, Napoleon tried to correct the harm done during the reign of terror. Aside from being triumphant in battles and building an empire, Bonaparte also laid the foundation for modern French Education and created a set of laws (known as the Napoleonic Code) based on common sense and equality.
Napoleon was an extremely ambitious and intelligent man, known for his ability to multitask. While European countries formed coalitions trying to defeat him, he was able to escape even from exile and take over his empire again for a brief period, before losing the famous Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon was an extremely intelligent man with the ability to multitask and remain calm during international conflicts. That is why most of the Napoleon Bonaparte quotes included in this article revolve around four major concepts in life: the ability to fight, the ability to have trust, the ability to win a war within your self or with the outside world and the ability to have passion. Here are 30 Napoleon Bonaparte quotes to help you build a stronger character :