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Powerful Life Lessons from David and Goliaf.

Writer's picture: Aykhan.M.PAykhan.M.P

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

Goliaf of Gath was Philistine warrior defeated by a young boy called David, the future king of Israel. Read the summary below and learn some lesson from the story.

Goliaf (Jalut) of Gath was a big warrior of idolaters (heathens) defeated by a young boy called David, the future king of Israel. Read the summary below and learn some lessons from the story.

The idolaters (heathens) and Israelites gathered for war against each other in the Valley of Elah but idolaters have many big people living in their land but one of the strongest and biggest titan was named Goliaf. He was over nine feet tall and always came out of the idolaters quarters every morning and every evening for forty days mocking and shouting to the Israelites in his big deep voice, and challenging the Israelites to send out their champion to decide the outcome of the war in single combat, saying “If the Israelites champion can defeat him they will become their servants, but if Goliaf wins, Israelites will all become the servants of idolaters.”

Saul, the King of Israel, and his army are afraid of Goliaf, no one can come out to face the giant but a boy named David, the youngest son of Jesse and the future a king of Israel who was sent by his father Jesse to take some food to his three brothers and report back to him heard Goliaf shouting and challenging the Israelites army in a single combat “Isn’t someone going to stand up to this man?” David asked the men in the army. “Then I will fight this huge idolater.” Saul, the king approached David and said, “You can’t fight Goliaf, you’re only a boy and he has been fighting for many years.” But David said to Saul, “I have had to fight lions and bears to protect my father’s sheep. God helped keep me safe then and he will help keep me safe now.”.

It took some persuasion before King Saul finally agreed to let David fight against Goliaf. So David was dressed in heavy armor to protect him from Goliath but David took it off. It was so heavy he could hardly walk and he knew that God would keep him from harm. Instead, David went to a stream nearby and found five smooth stones, put them in a pouch around his waist, and with his sling and approached Goliaf. Goliaf cursed at him, hurling threats and insults.

David said to the him “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied … today the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down, and give your dead body to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the World;… and the world will know that there is a God in Israel … it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

The battle between David and Goliaf has on a more secular sense, denoting an underdog situation, a contest where a smaller, weaker opponent faces a much bigger, stronger adversary. Stop Underestimating Yourself! Goliath didn’t care what David said and he moved to attack him, David also ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his pouch and pulled out a stone, put it into his slingshot and shot it at Goliaf. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.

He fell with a loud thud right on his face. David stood on him and cuts off his head. He puts the armor of Goliaf in his own tent and takes the head to Jerusalem. David had done it, he defeats Goliaf! When the rest of the idolaters saw this they ran away and pursued by the Israelites “as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron”. And David became

a king to all the people in Israel.

There are 11 powerful life knowledge from David and Goliaf that you can learn from and they relate to almost every situation. Here are the 8 life knowledge:

1. Don't afraid!

Twice a day for 40 days Goliaf would challenge the Israelite’s requiring a 1 on 1 battle. All the Israelite’s were as terrified as a Lions prey on the verge of death. None of them would dare to challenge Goliaf. But after David heard about the reward for defeating Goliaf, he accepted the challenge as if it were nothing but a child’s game.

When David confronted Goliaf who had armor and a javelin, all David had was a staff, sling and 5 stones. Not to mention he was like a baby in size compared to Goliaf. But did that stop him? Yeah right. Not long after the battle started, he pulled his slingback with a stone attached to it then he let it rip right into Goliaf’s forehead!

Killed him in the process. If that happened to be any of the other people around him, they would have ran in the other direction and backed down, because the Israelite’s were smaller than their fears, and David was bigger than his fears…

He didn’t stop David from confronting him and David conquer and become a champion. Why? because David is bigger than his fears.

Until you conquer your fear otherwise you’ll continue to lose the game. If you’re not, you’ll end up settling for the things that are less than your fears….And you’ll be controlled by your fears no matter what situation you’re in or what decision you need to make. Look at things logically, look at the facts, get out of your head and take action already! So my friends conquer your fear and face your challenges and I am very sure with your strong faith you will become a champion!

2. Everything is possible

King Saul and the Israelite’s didn’t believe it is possible to defeat Goliath which is why they feared him. David pleaded with King Saul to fight with Goliaf, because he strongly believed it is possible. The Israelite’s didn’t believe it was possible to defeat Goliath which is why they feared him. If you were to rate their self-belief on a scale of 1 – 10, their self-belief would have to be less than 5. But on the other hand, David’s belief would have been at least an 8 or more. That’s why it wasn’t an issue for him to challenge Goliath head-on and even take him down. And don’t forget David turned down the offer for armory, which proves he strongly believed it was possible. Without a strong belief that what you’re pursuing is possible, you’ll fail. You’ll quit on yourself before you even get halfway. If your fears are stronger than your self-belief and faith, you’ve will lose the game without knowing it. Until you believe in yourself more than the fear or the obstacle, you’ll continue to lose everything in your life. What are the challenges you’re facing now? My friends, never give up, I have a strong trust you can fight it and win and become a champion.

3. Stop Underestimating Yourself!

Underestimate yourself will do a lot of harm to your life. When you underestimate yourself, you end up achieving less. Remember, it took some persuasion before King Saul finally agreed to let David fight against the giant. But no one expected David to defeat Goliath because they underestimate him but David did not underestimate himself. He had self-confidence and lots of it.

It’s always dangerous to underestimate yourself. When you underestimate yourself and your own capabilities, you end up achieving less. Judging how Goliaf looks and appears compared to David, you’d think Goliaf was the superior one. But the outcome of the battle turned out to be a lot different from the Israelite’s expected. David didn’t underestimate his abilities or himself. He had self-confidence and lots of it. He was smart enough to know that he was more than capable of winning.

Stop underestimating yourself! It doesn’t matter If: You’re a writer, a pianist, plumber, real estate broker, personal trainer, musician, parent or college student; You’re capable of much more than you believe. You’ve just yet to see it because you haven’t given yourself the chance to. If anything you should be overestimated, because then you’ll end up giving and doing more than is expected and you’ll end up achieving more and reaching your potential in the process.

4. Size doesn’t matter.

The battle between David and Goliaf has taken on a more secular meaning, denoting an underdog situation, a contest where a smaller, weaker opponent faces a much bigger, stronger adversary.

David knew size doesn’t matter, it’s heart, Courage, and Loyalty that matters. You can apply the same principle and the same level of thinking to your life and the challenges you’re meeting. Think bigger than the challenge, be bigger than the obstacle, and act as if it’s impossible for you not to fail. Have self-confidence, conviction and believe in yourself MORE than you believe the challenge is too big to handle.

In life, you’re bound to come across big challenges, small challenges, tiny challenges, and enormous challenges. But the size of the challenge, problem or obstacle is Irrelevant. Why? Because that doesn’t determine what’s possible for you.

The only thing that determines what’s possible for you is YOU, your mindset and your beliefs. If size mattered to David he wouldn’t have had the courage to take on Goliaf. Especially with just a staff, 5 stones, and a sling. There is a lot of lessons to learn from David and Goliaf story! Please use the comment box to include what you learn from the story.

5. Make use of what you already have.

Many people complain about:

  • What they don’t have...

  • Why not having what they don’t have is a problem...

  • Why they need “that thing” before they can get started...

  • Why not having “that thing” is holding them back...

But the truth is you have to make USE of what you’ve already got to get what you want. Compared to the armor and the weapons Goliaf had, David seemed insignificant. After all he only had a sling, 5 stones and a staff (Even though he turned down armor that was offered to him).

Yet he made use of it and it happen to be more than enough to get the job done. He still defeated Goliaf regardless of the comparison in weight, strength, Armory, weapons, etc. David didn’t moan or whine because of the differences like the Israelite’s would have. He had a “so what?” attitude and left everyone in shock after defeating Goliaf so effortlessly. With nothing but a sling and a stone.

Stop do excuses! You want to start a business? Improvise and use what you already have. Want to start singing? Record through your phone if you’re not ready for the studio. Want to make YouTube videos? Record videos through your phone instead of complaining about needing expensive equipment. Want to be a graphic designer? Watch tutorials on YouTube instead of moaning about not having “Photoshop” yet.

6. Self-confidence is the best outfit.

This is what makes David to conquer Goliaf he has a lot of self-confidence. Your Self Confidence is very important and it’s the most attractive quality you can have and how can anyone see how great you are if you can’t see it yourself? Confidence comes naturally with success but, success comes only to those who are confident. To be successful, you must have self-confident.


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